Posts tagged USAID
The Hill How we can use 'peace data' to stop extremism before it starts

Analyzing the wide spectrum of anonymous data available, whether it's quantitative or qualitative, can identify regions and communities that may be susceptible to instability or conflict. This can help agencies identify trends and growing vulnerabilities indicative of a possible extremist recruiting ground.

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FPIF Does Providing Aid in War Zones Do More Harm Than Good?

By clandestinely rebranding aid from outside sources with its own labels, ISIS fools surrounding populations into believing the insurgent state is a benevolent entity that protects and cares for its people.

This poses a huge moral dilemma for those of us who work at humanitarian organizations: If we know the aid will likely be diverted, should we not try to help suffering people? If we stop the aid, many belligerents will use it as propaganda to blame the West for the area’s suffering and hunger. But if we provide aid, aren’t we abetting terrorist organizations?

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